Submitted by furniche
Interesting new "All Natural" Fabric Protection discovered at the Las Vegas Furniture Market.
The Furniche team ran across a new all natural fabric and furniture protection product while shopping the market. We asked Mark Geddes of Quarz.co to provide us an overview of this unique product. There are many different types of furniture protection plans in the retail furniture market place.
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Put your mind at ease with a worry-free Furniture Protection Plan
By Mark Geddes
Furniture protection plans are an ideal way to ensure long terms peace of mind concerning your new furniture purchase. They are designed to protect consumers from incurring additional out of pocket expenses due to unexpected accidents that could occur at any time when you least expect.
Most people who are in the market for new furniture do not walk in to furniture stores asking about protection plans or extended furniture warranties so they’re left relying on the salesperson to inform them of it.
We expect new furniture to last a long time but ignore the potential for accidents that can happen at any given time on any given day.
Most furniture manufacturers offer a 1 to 10 year warranty on upholstered and leather covered products. These warranties are generally pro-rated and only protect against defects in the workmanship. Seam separation usually carries a 1-year warranty where wood frames and springs upwards to 10 years depending on the manufacturer. These types of problems happen in less than 2% of all furniture that is produced so the chances of making a manufacturers warranty claim is low.
Consumers are far more likely to have an accident at home that alters the way the furniture looks, feels, or even smells. An accidental coffee spill or vomit from a child or pet could easily leave consumers with no other option but to call the local stain removal expert if the consumer opted out of purchasing extended coverage. One puncture or tear on a new Italian leather sofa could ruin one’s day. This is why an extended service plan should always be purchase when buying new furniture.
Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from Furniche.com
One service call to have a stain removed can cost upwards of $80 to $100. It’s a minimal of $125 for a leather repair technician to remove a small ink stain and re-dye the leather to make it look new again. Additionally, it’s far more costly to repair punctures, rips, or tears. Fixing leather is considered an art as it’s difficult to repair and match the existing color and only a select number of technicians can do it locally no matter where the location.
An extended furniture plan protects consumers against incurring those additional and costly expenses. Plans are designed to provide unlimited service for the length of the plan term no matter how many stain or damage issues you have during the length of your plan term. Keep in mind, once a piece of furniture is replaced, a new plan would need to be purchased for that new item. The existing plan would still be valid on remaining pieces if more than one was purchased originally.
Extended service plan coverage varies from retailer to retailer. Most offer one while some don’t offer any extended coverage at all. It’s rare to find two stores offering the same plan in any given city. Some retailers offer what is called a ‘wet’ warranty where others offer a dry warranty. Wet warranties include fabric treatment applied to the furniture. A ‘dry’ warranty simply means no fabric protection treatment is being applied to the furniture.
With a wet warranty, furniture is typically treated with a fluoropolymer-based product. Traditionally, this type of protection is chemical based and does little to protect the fabric and repel stains.
Also, increased government regulations have forced manufacturers of fabric protection to alter the chemistry and provide a less effective formula, which increases claim costs for the plan administrator and ultimately the consumer.
Treated or not, both plan types provide the same coverage. Accidental stains from food and beverages, human and pet bodily fluids is usually always covered under most plans. Pen ink, cosmetics, dye transfer, oil and grease stains could also be covered, but again, it varies depending on the retailer and plan administrator. Accidental damage such as rips, tears, and cigarette burns are also usually included, especially on leather furniture. The length of these plans is usually 5 years starting when the furniture is delivered to the consumer’s home.
For those consumers who don’t want toxic chemicals sprayed on their furniture there is a new company in the industry that provides the latest and most innovative fabric protection the industry has seen in decades; and they guarantee the product for 3 years with unlimited stain removal service.
Made using Nanotechnology, QUARZ Furniture Protection is all-natural and contains no toxic chemicals or odors. More retailers are offering QUARZ because it’s safe and easy for their customers to use and conforms to all Government and EPA standards regardless of which State or Province you reside in. Customers who buy QUARZ receive a kit they take home to treat their furniture when it’s convenient for them to do so. Once applied and cured to the furniture, QUARZ creates an invisible barrier that does not alter the look, feel, or breathability of the fabric or leather. Any spill onto the surface, immediately beads (called the ‘Lotus Effect’) and is easily blotted up with paper towel or a cloth. (see a video demonstration here) The plan guarantees furniture for 3 years for any stain issues that may occur under the terms. If a stain persists and cannot be removed, QUARZ will replace the furniture at no additional cost to the consumer or the retailer.
There are many options available to ensure consumers have confidence with their new furniture purchase. For the cost of one service call to your local repairman or stain removal company, consumers can buy a furniture protection plan that will ensure they have unlimited peace of mind for years to come.