Submitted by furniche
It’s important that your bedroom be an inviting space to begin and end each day.
Furniture and layout is important; but you can really give your bedroom personality by choosing the bedding that best suits you. Your first consideration should be color scheme. What best sets your mood for the day? Light colors will brighten your space, adding a wistful, romantic feel. Darker colors will make the space heavier, but perhaps this suits you for a deep night’s sleep at the end of the day. Whatever color you choose, it should be a color that you like, to which you’re naturally drawn. Learn more about furniture and color in a room.
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Next, look for additions to add character. Ruffles and notions like buttons stay in-line with an airy, romantic theme. Choosing bedding without any additions will keep things more minimalist for a de-cluttered vibe. Texture can play into this as well. If you choose a thick duvet made of a soft material, you’ll draw attention to the bed space and it will feel more whimsical. A flat quilt will make the bed appear to take up less space and keep things simple. Many furniture stores also sell bedding and top of bed find a store here.
Finally, you can really create depth using extra pillows and throws. A soft duvet with matching pillow shams and small accent pillows will make the bed look bigger; but for many that may make it more inviting. If you’re trying to keep things simple but want to add some extra texture, consider an afghan of a different color spread flat across the end of the bed instead.
Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from Furniche.com