Submitted by furniche
Talk about a serious focal point for your room!
At the recent Home Furnishings Market in High Point, NC we chanced upon this company and discovered a whole new way to create a stunning focal point for any room. These hair on cow hide rugs absolutely stopped us in our tracks. Over our years in the home furnishings industrty we have come to expect this type of area rug to simply look like a cow. Hair on hide leather manufacturing is not an easy process. Often hair on hide leather will be used on upholstery as accents. Area rugs of this nature usually come off as rustic and used in mountain or lodge settings.
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We asked the folks at Madisons Inc. to provide us a brief overview of their Company and their products. Little did we know the other benefits of cow hide rugs. In addition these are really nice folks. Please read on to learn more about these unique items. In addition you may also see some photos we took while in their space. I Spy Furniture Market Finds
If your idea of cow hide rugs has been the natural shape of the cow, you will be in for a very great surprise. Madisons Inc., a new exhibitor at the High Point market, introduced the most beautiful line of elegant cow hide rugs in which hide pieces are meticulously pieced together into stunning patterns.
The natural beauty inherent in the unique texture and many shades of the natural hides in combination and exquisite patterns makes a statement in any room. Madisons also offers hides natural and dyed in a myriad of colors and patterns that also help redefine how hides are used. These unique rugs are sophisticated, luxurious and the statement making patterns add character like no other rug can.
Madisons Inc stocks these rugs in most standard sizes but can also make custom sizes as well as make the rugs in custom colors or patterns. Plus, there are hide pillows to match virtually every design.
In addition to the beauty of these hide rugs, they are also easy to maintain, hard to stain and lasts a long time. Cow hide is extremely durable, and its reputation is well known for toughness yet soft underfoot.
A huge benefit for many people is that cow skin is hypoallergenic. Carpets and traditional rugs hold so much pollen, dust and dander that they can be dreadful for allergy sufferers. Most people are not allergic to cows, and cowhide does not collect allergens like fabric rugs and carpets. Best of all, they are easy to clean – vacuum without the beater brush (just suction) or just take them outside and shake out what little debris they do collect.
Durability is another big benefit that cow skin rugs have over conventional rugs. As you know, cows are exposed to all sorts of weather year round and you probably won't be subjecting your cowhide rug to anything like the great outdoors. Spills do not soak in and the hair will not hold stains the way a traditional rug would since hides are naturally water repellant. To take care of spills, simply blot up the liquid and brush or vacuum up any dirt particles. As long as cowhide rugs are not saturated, they will last a very long time. You can find all the designs and styles available at www.madisonsinc.com or contact them at info@madisonsinc.com for custom designs and sizes.
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