Submitted by furniche
If you have had a piece of furniture for a while, chances are that it has suffered some damage. Most furniture damages are easily repairable, but you have to weigh your options to determine if it is a better decision to repair your furniture or replace it.
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First, assess the entire piece of furniture. Aside from the new damage, how worn is the rest of the furniture piece. If it is a sofa, is it faded or sagging? If you put the money and time into repairing, you want the end result to be a newer-looking piece of furniture. Read about these simple furniture touch up and repair secrets.
Sometimes damage is just a good excuse to make a change that you’ve wanted to make. Is the damaged furniture still a style that appeals to you? How do you feel a about the color or pattern? If you no longer like the overall look of your furniture, than repairs might be a waste of money. It may be time to find a furniture store in your area.
Finally, how much longer will the furniture last you? If you’ve had the piece for awhile and it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, early replacement might be a wiser choice than keeping a repaired piece for a short time. Research the cost of the repair and compare the cost differences between the two options. Here is an additional article on "how long should furniture last".
Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from