Submitted by furniche
There is a season for everything, and furniture shopping is no exception.
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Just like there is the perfect time to hit a clothing sale, so is there a perfect time to hit a furniture sale. And that time is in February! Furniture designers tend to release new lines for spring, a time quite popular for home buying, remodeling, and purchasing furniture. In order to make room for the new merchandise coming in, retailers have closeout sales in February and early March. If you’ve had your eye on something through the winter, February is the perfect time to snag it at a deep discount. Of course, perhaps it isn’t price you’re after, rather fashion-forward style. By March and April with old product cleared off the floor, furniture stores are shipping in the newest trends for home décor. Forgoing the winter sales and waiting until spring will ensure that you see what’s newest and hottest in home design. Some furniture purchases need to be made seasonally. For example, patio furniture may be hard to come by in the winter. While it’s nice to have it on-hand in early spring and summer, if you can hold out through the summer months, most retailers have outdoor furniture on sale by August and September, still giving you some time to enjoy it in the warm weather.
Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from Furniche.com