Submitted by furniche
Most American families have pets that live in their home.
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And while pet owners consider their furry friend “one of the family,” dog and cat hair all over the furniture is not a welcome sight. In order to reduce the obvious traces of pets in your home, consider a few things before purchasing furniture. Whether or not you allow your pets on the couch, hair will spread to your furniture pieces. Certain fabrics like leather, microfiber, and matelassé are ideal upholstery as fur can be easily wiped off. Recently, furniture designers working with pet owners have also used a fabric called Crypton. Historically, Crypton was used for healthcare facilities because it can be disinfected and does not retain odor. If you’d prefer not to use the above listed fabrics or if you still find your furniture difficult to clean, it may be easier to slipcover your couches and chairs. Slipcovers are machine washable and can be cleaned as often as you like.
There are a few other items to consider regarding pets and furniture. First, consider breakable items that may be in the way of your pet’s movements or activity. Secondly, consider your pet’s other habits; if your dog is always looking out the window; they may be tempted to jump on a piece of furniture in the way or to pull at window treatments hindering their vision.